Fitness Food And Style 2012 HIghlights!!!

Hello all, I thought I would give you a quick snapshot of our year......

January Enjoying the summer holidays!!!

Summer Days 2012

Our 4 beautiful angels

And somehow we decided to buy a beach house in Lorne and build a pool at our place!!! Someone would think we had won the lotto!! What were we thinking!!!!!

Looking outside our window....

Pool renovations

Looking up towards our once upon a time courtyard!!!

Courtyard GONE!!!

February School started for Noah again this time in Grade 1 and Oscar is officially a Kinda boy! Both girls at home with me so it was great to have just the girls at home with me throughout the day.

March My big 38th birthday (my Dad turned 65!) and heaps of beach house renovations going on and excavation works for our pool at home. The house is a mess! But I am still smiling :-)

Happy 38th Birthday Daniela Stevens

April With an Easter long weekend this month, Adrian was busy down the beach house renovating whilst I was managing the 4 kids at home. Busy days, weeks and months ahead....

May My beautiful mother Mirjana turned 64th and went on her 3 month holiday to Serbia in June to visit our entire family and to be with her Mum AKA my Baba who is 86!!!

Mother and Daughter

June Hey! You should know what happens from here on in, it's all here on my blog :-) but this month is one of my biggest highlights as I officially launch Fitness Food And Style on blogspot....

Fitness Food And Style blogspot

I also created a Facebook page and my face goes out there in the world wide web as Daniela Stevens Creative Director of Fitness Food And Style

Dani Stevens

July I start a 6 week Transformation Challenge and document what I eat and the exercise program I follow.

Transformation Challenge

August Two birthday celebrations, our first born Noah turned 7

Skylanders birthday party

and baby Zali had her 1st birthday.

1st birthday party baby pink

Within the last week of the 6 week transformation challenge I too pick up the pace and do a mini ab challenge to see if I can motivate myself and YOU to eat healthy and eliminate sugar within 12 days.

I also start to train for my first ever fun run, I am not a runner so this has been very challenging for me.

Run Ballarat

Sept I reach 60,000 page views on my blog and my readers, followers on Facebook start growing. I got a bit excited!!! I am so grateful that you are all enjoying my blog and fitness, food and style journey xx

Fitness Food And Style reaches 60,000 page views

Oct Busy birthday month again with 2 parties and I officially completed my first ever fun run and take a picture with Olympic champion Steve Moneghetti

Steve Moneghetti and Dani Stevens

My sweet darling Mietta turns 3 and has a star party!!!

3 little tin can cakes 

and finally we celebrate my darling husbands birthday

Nov Our pool project is slowly coming to an end, I participate in a yoga challenge for the month and realise how much love and passion I have for this particular movement and we celebrate Oscar's 5th birthday and have a pirate party!!!

Pirate party

Dec Finally we wrap up the year with no more birthdays (except for the main man JC). Kids break up from school and kinda. I run a #xmas25squats challenge here, on Instagram and Facebook which is going off!!!!!

I also clock over 100,000 pages views and have 2,000 plus followers on Facebook and on Instagram. Life is beautiful xxx I love you all

Squats challenge #xmas25squats

Well I do hope you can share with me your highlights of 2012 and I soooo look forward to a great 2013 with you all!!!!

Merry Christmas and yes see you here on the big day as I will be sharing my final squat with you and some Chrissy photos. Stay tuned!!!

Xx Dani