The Power of Goal Setting

Power to the people who set goals. Goals are a critical factor in achieving your dreams and can only be achieved if you sit down and write them out. Without writing them out and setting them in stone they will only stay as dreams, once written out a plan can be put in place to achieve whatever it is you want to accomplish.

It is important that you set your own goals, they need to be important to you, not someone elses idea or suggestion. If you truly set your own goals so they mean something to you, write them down then you will stop at nothing to achieve them.

Recently Hybrid member Lee undertook a Bio-age test to get an idea of her age on the inside. The results came back and Lee was actually 2 years older then her birth age. With this she sat down and wrote out 4 short term goals that were important to her health and fitness that could be achieved in 8 weeks. After the 8 week period Lee once again did the Bio-age and the results came back with a decrease in her birth age by 5 years. So in 8 weeks she achieved a total reduction of 7 years, she improved in all areas tested and has now achieved a great level of health and fitness. And what was her secret weapon? Simple, she set goals that were achieveable, relistic and had a time frame on them. Sure she trained with us at Hybrid but we are taking no credit, Lee and her goal setting achieved all of this. Lee used the power of goals and you can too.

Come get some!!!!