A sensational weekend and a great start to the week

Hello everyone, how was your weekend??? We had a great one, as you know we conquered Mt Buninyong ;-) had parties galore and our pool deck area is coming to a completion. All in all, happy days ahead!!!! I will try to post a before and after shot of the pool progress as I know I have been posting on my personal Facebook page but not here.

For now here we are rocking it out with some tunes, eating frogurts on the deck and watching my wonderful husband finish and finalise the last part of our pool project!!!

My fitness has once again let me down. Well, I have let myself down really, not my fitness. I really need to make this mind shift and get back into my regular FYM regime. I got into my kini's today and it's not the toned, tanned and fit look I'm chasing this summer!! Seriously what's 15 minutes in my day!!! C'mon Dani, get with the FYM program!!! WORKOUT!!!!

Banana, walnut and strawberry organic wholemeal flakes

Morning snack
Fruit with yogurt

Noah had a day off from school today so there was plenty of painting going on today with Mietta, myself and Noah. We decided after our walk this morning to make a garland out of gum leaves, nuts and just general outback stuff. It's a work in progress but here's a snapshot of their work thus far!

Tappa's platter

Afternoon snack
Green smoothie

1 kiwi
2 slices of cantaloupe
4 strawberries
1 cup of spinach
1 scoop of 180 Nutrition coconut protein powder
handful of walnuts
1 cup of water

Fish and chips with a twist!!! Served with tomato, asparagus & feta salad

425g can tuna (I use Sirena tuna in olive oil ~ fabulous taste!)
3 medium size potatoes
2 garlic cloves
bunch of herbs (your choice, I had parsley, mint & oregano in my plant boxes)
1 egg
1/2 lemon rind
1tbs seeded mustard
1 tbs home made ajvar (tomato, onion chutney style sauce)

Boil potatoes with garlic and season with S&P, once cooled mix all above ingredients together and make burger shapes. If your mix is too runny, use breadcrumbs or oats to make them thicker. Lightly pan fry or if time permits, oven bake. 

I cooked 2 extra potatoes and quickly fried them with the asparagus in the amazing Chefs toolbox  sautĂ© pan which I am seriously using for all my cooking, these days. It is so convenient and I am loving the fact that it has a lid so I can place it either on the stove top to do all the work for me or simply place in the oven!!!! So for any of my readers here in Victoria, please contact Janet should you wish to have these beautiful products demonstrated. I'm loving it!!!! 

With regard to the salad, I just sliced the tomatoes and laid them flat on a plate, placed the cooked asparagus and sprinkled the feta. Drizzled olive oil, added S&P and squeezed half a lemon. That's how I roll, whatever is in my fridge I just make whatever with them. Sorry that my ingredients aren't anything exciting! Pretty ordinary....

Okay my lovelies, off to do the tour of duty eg: fold clothes, try to organise my laundry without killing myself trying to walk in and my general twisting of my wrist with wand in hand as I wave and make my home beautiful. That's what it's like at your house right?

Night everyone until next time!!!!

Xx Dani