Squat challenge and fun times beside our pool with no water!

Heat wave or what? That's what's happening at our place! Tomorrow is going to be another scorcher so thank you pool company for pushing our pool completion date to February 2013. Not! You won't get us down!!!! Here's one way we're keeping cool this summer!

Other than that, no major news here. Besides Oscars prep orientation and Xmas concert this week, we've been laying low. A few play date catch ups here and there, throw in our Burlesque fancy dress engagement party this weekend, my sister in law and I caught up today and got cracking with my outfit. I already have a corset style bodice so we thought a plain black tutu, fish net stockings etc....would do the trick! You know the drill. I lerrrrrv fancy dress up parties, we even have one in a few weeks and I'm dressing up as my all time favourite pop star/singer! Can't wait!!!!

Burlesque outfit in the making

Eating relatively well besides some laminations today, so I'm back to square one with my no sugar attempt. I really want to make this happen especially with our #Xmas25squats challenge kicking off on 1st December.

I am really excited and super happy with everyone's response and participation via Instagram, Facebook and my blog. I encourage those that aren't on Instagram to go create an account as its another awesome way of being connected to various people around the globe and sharing the same goal and simply using the hash tag and typing #Xmas25squats. You can see everyone who's giving squats a go! Remember a picture is worth a thousand words! I love it!!! 

Squat challenge

I have also encouraged those that wish to share their before and after shots over the 25 day challenge, as they are truly powerful testimonials. I don't believe in the scales, the tape measure is more accurate with cm's and inches lost as well as outfits you are trying to wear comfortably again. I'll be posting mine, so we can compare the difference between lazing on the couch vs clean eating, regular exercise PLUS 25 squats per day!!

Also for those Fit Yummy Mummy's participating in the 21 day holiday hottie challenge starting next Monday 3/12 this is just another way for us to encourage one another and add some extra butt lift ;-) leave me a comment if you will be taking part of the holiday hottie challenge and/or squat challenge. Alternatively on our Personal Journals at the club.

Any non-FYM's are also more than welcome to trial the Fit Yummy Mummy program as my link offers 50% off the fat loss ebook and includes 30 days free at Clubfym. It's a great try before you buy offer as I'm sure you won't be disappointed after seeing results within a couple of weeks. I am a monthly paying Clubfym member and for 24x7 support, various workout programs, meal planners, menu ideas and heaps more resources, $19.95 per month is a small price to pay for my health!

Toasted home made muesli with yogurt & strawberries

Morning snack
180 Nutrition coconut protein powder with yogurt & fruit

Ham, cheese and tomatoe sandwiches

Afternoon snack
2 mini lamingtons (without jam)

Pork & veal mini burgers (on bruschetta) served with long green beans and tomato cucumber salad

Looking forward to reading your comments and thanks so much for following me. It's my mission to share my tips/strategies/recommendations to a fit and healthy lifestyle! 

Xx Dani

Monday motivation and some pool blues

Hey there my beautiful peeps, how are you all? Fab, I hope. Not here, well yes we are but a little shattered with our pool news this afternoon. Fencing still being approved by building permit crew so the pool mob who scheduled us in for completion this week has now pushed our date forward to the New Year! Whatevs, we have our clam pool shells, you won't wreck our pool parties here!!!

As shattering as our news was today, I've waited this long for the pool so whats another couple of months??? Like, especially over the hot sweltering heat, huh? Sob! sob!

On a more positive note, I have a few of you wanting to join this Xmas 25 per day squat challenge coming up on the 1st December. I am super excited to be bringing our 25 squats per day LIVE via Facebook and Instagram. Of course recapping here on my page. Please give me more feedback or if you are just happy with us posting our 25 squats per day. Make sure you follow me on Facebook and Instagram and use #Xmas25squats so I can follow you back as well.

For those of my Fit Yummy Mummy members and followers, I also look forward to our 21 day holiday hottie challenge which starts on the 3rd December. The extra squats is added incentive!

Fruit and yogurt

Fit Yummy Mummy workout completed!!! Best to get it out of the way first in the morning so I can get on with my day! My muscle awareness has been fab and I really need to be consistent with my workouts again, so I am not looking in the reflection and wondering why my muffin top has some how appeared from no where! Seriously, you are what you eat and I was making some poor food choices combined with no exercise and there you have it!


Morning snack
Mini corn and parsley pikelets

Mini corn pikelets 

I just whizzed milk, egg, some flour, 1/2 tin of corn, S&P, parsley and made these little golden beauties with some olive oil. Sorry for the no quantity amount but here is a recipe I found for you on Kidspot.

Chicken salad (went to the hair dressers for a quick highlight session) this was the only option I had from the cafe next door. I typically go prepared but today wasn't one of those days!

Chicken salad

Afternoon snack
180 Nutrition coconut protein powder

Turkey burgers with long beans, feta and olives. Side egg and tomato salad

Kids healthy meals

Here's me and my new hair do, what do you think? I don't typically like going too light but it's summer and it blends better when my lovely greys come through.

Dark blonde hair

Over and out until next time.

Xx Dani

Hollowing V's Bracing

If you have attended a pilates class or even a step aerobics class lately then you are probably aware of the action called abdominal hollowing. Abdominal hollowing is an attempt to simply activiate the transverse abdominis in isolation. Hollowing is normally performed in a lying down position to ensure the other muscles are relaxed, it then requires ...........................actually thats all I am going to tell you. Why? Well I do not want you performing abdominal hollowing. Hollowing actually weakens the abdominal muscles as it can only be done when the abs are almost inactive. Hollowing intends to activate the transverse abdominis (the deepest Abdonimal muscles) but it has been documented through recent research from one of the world leaders in back and spine health Dr Stuart McGill that it actually decreases stability in the core.

Instead of hollowing you should be bracing. Abdominal bracing is simply contracting all the muscles in the core without drawing in our pushing out. Bracing makes the muscles contract, which gives a stiffness and forms a girdle around the torso. When we brace the entire abdominal wall is activated binding all three of its layers together and giving us a highly efficient form of stability making the abdominals and spine work together and in a strong and safe manner.

For superior core strength and spine stability abdominal bracing is the best way to go. The other great thing about bracing is it is a lot easier (and more effective) to do than hollowing. To brace simply activiate all the abdominal muscles to make them stiff. SOunds fimilar? If you come to Hybrid you would be sick of hearing "make your core tight" which is our cue for abdominsl bracing. Brace for the core to be Ace!!!!!

Check the video with Craig Ballantyne to see three of the most effective core exercise that use bracing to build a strong core and strengthen the lower back.



Bring on this sensational summer weather and let's do some SQUATS!!!

Hello everybody how are things? Just dandy here in fact we're super excited about our summer weather and our COMING SOON pool that we got the water pistols out!!!

I had a sleep in this morning, managed a workout since ? I can't remember when! so all in all, pretty thankful for my day. I love the fact that it only takes me 15 minutes to work out following the Fit Yummy Mummy fat loss system. As you know I am extremely time poor so this fits perfectly into my day. 

How do you keep fit and make sure it's regular? Due to fact that I don't go to any Bootcamp, or pay for a gym membership I myself need to motivate and encourage myself to do exercise. How about you? Can you workout by yourself or prefer to be surrounded by others for extra support. Either way, you're still working out so whatever works best! I say go for it!!! 

Food has been good beside the non frogurt style I make. Our kids deserved a treat today as they have less sugar than us (yes that's right, we're the ones at night on the couch eating chips and an entire block of chocolate, not them) so they miss out! So we bought a box of those chocolate coated icecreams with choc, peppermint & vanilla ice creams. Yum!

Tomorrow however they will have their frogurts and fruit ice pops which I have just finished preparing. Simple and fresh ingredients. Natural Greek yogurt, fresh fruit of your choice and (if using) honey. 

Frozen fruit FROGURTS

Spinach scrambled eggs

Morning snack
PWOS 180 Nutrition coconut protein drink

Tuna salad

Afternoon snack
Cream cheese on corn thins and fruit

Home made pizzas (Jamie Oliver I love you!) 

This was a mixture of Hawaiian and Australian (with egg) pizza, then I sprinkled a little bit of Europe AKA kalamata olives :-)

Okay, so you know I am always up for a challenge. The Fit Yummy Mummy 21 day hottie challenge kicks off next week 3/12, so I am pumped to be doing this with all my FYM girls and for those that want to join please click on my blog link. You get a special 50% off the ebook and 30 days FREE at Clubfym. What have you got to lose??? Ahhh yes, you're fat ;-))) promise, you will.

For my non FYM followers and especially on Instagram and Facebook, I'm thinking of running a "25 per day squat challenge". What do you think? Need your feedback as I need all the support I can get.

So what I'm thinking (and please add your ideas below in the comments) is we do 25 squats PER DAY. Doesn't matter what style eg: squat kicks, jump squats, or my Swiss ball squat.....

Wall squat with a Swiss Ball

We can spread the 25 squats throughout our day eg: we can do 10 when we're brushing our teeth or at school pick whilst waiting for our kiddo's  (just kidding) but you get the drift. Just fit it in whenever, throughout your day. Or you can do 5 sets straight away where you do 5 squats, rest for 30 seconds and then repeat until you've done all 25. What do you think?

Let's see if our tush gets a bit of a butt lift before Christmas.

I was hoping we could start Saturday 1st December and do our final 25 squats on Christmas Day?

Let me know your thoughts. I'm also going to try my hardest and cut back on added sugar. A mini sugar free challenge in my head.

We hope you're having a sensational weekend!!! Until we meet again.

Xx Dani

Renovations! Renovations! Ending soon!

I missed you last night, I had full intentions of writing but I was playing apprentice whilst Adrian was finalising our pool fence late last night. He is still working on it tonight before inspection tomorrow, so here is the latest view of our pool area....

I've been updating my personal Facebook page with the before and after shots, so for those that didn't see our beautiful courtyard (which is what I fell in love with the first time we went through this house!) here is our once upon a time courtyard....

We had some lovely times here and these pictures are also very dear to me, our courtyard steps. These are my professional photos of my 4th pregnancy with baby Zali.....

And Mietta last Christmas....

So goodbye our beautiful green and lush court yard and hello to our future pool deck area!!!!

I'll post more pics again but for now, just wanted to touch base and say g'day and if anyone needs someone to put up a glass pool fence, we are the professionals!! Adrian also did this down at our beach house in Lorne and I am now skilled with spigots, nuts, screws, alan keys and shifters!! Sheesh it's hard work but I think we did a pretty good job for 2 people that aren't skilled in building pool fences. Fingers crossed it gets approved in the morning.

All in all, a great clean eating day! No sugar, no chocolate for a change!

Pear and strawberry oats with pecan nuts

Morning snack
180 Nutrition coconut protein drink
1 apple

I met up with Celeste for brunch today and she also helped me out with my burlesque fancy dress outfit, so I look forward to sharing those pics with you in the next couple of weeks.

Fold over chicken with pesto and sun dried tomatoes served with salad

Afternoon snack
Hummus, cherry tomatoes and crackers

Thai chicken with vegetables and cherry tomatoes

Well my lovely people, I am very excited to announce another (mini) Fit Yummy Mummy Christmas challenge coming up. Please come and join me as all the fitness routines, resources, support groups etc.... are found there. I will be able to share some of my fitness experiences over the 21 days, however to gain FULL ACCESS and join me for this challenge, you will need to go to Clubfym to register and if you're not 100% sure, why not trial it for free right here on my blog link for 30 days.

Here is the notification at the club regarding the challenge, you in???

Looking forward to another Challenge?

Mark your calendar... 

December 3rd

Focus on your Holiday Fitness goals with the FUN 21 Day Holiday Hottie Transformation Challenge.

Registration Opens: Wednesday, November 28th.
Day One is Monday, December 3rd. Challenge is hosted here at ClubFYM.

No Need to WAIT to Burn Fat and Get An Even Better Body Back!

Have a wonderful night/day until we meet again.

Xx Dani

A sensational weekend and a great start to the week

Hello everyone, how was your weekend??? We had a great one, as you know we conquered Mt Buninyong ;-) had parties galore and our pool deck area is coming to a completion. All in all, happy days ahead!!!! I will try to post a before and after shot of the pool progress as I know I have been posting on my personal Facebook page but not here.

For now here we are rocking it out with some tunes, eating frogurts on the deck and watching my wonderful husband finish and finalise the last part of our pool project!!!

My fitness has once again let me down. Well, I have let myself down really, not my fitness. I really need to make this mind shift and get back into my regular FYM regime. I got into my kini's today and it's not the toned, tanned and fit look I'm chasing this summer!! Seriously what's 15 minutes in my day!!! C'mon Dani, get with the FYM program!!! WORKOUT!!!!

Banana, walnut and strawberry organic wholemeal flakes

Morning snack
Fruit with yogurt

Noah had a day off from school today so there was plenty of painting going on today with Mietta, myself and Noah. We decided after our walk this morning to make a garland out of gum leaves, nuts and just general outback stuff. It's a work in progress but here's a snapshot of their work thus far!

Tappa's platter

Afternoon snack
Green smoothie

1 kiwi
2 slices of cantaloupe
4 strawberries
1 cup of spinach
1 scoop of 180 Nutrition coconut protein powder
handful of walnuts
1 cup of water

Fish and chips with a twist!!! Served with tomato, asparagus & feta salad

425g can tuna (I use Sirena tuna in olive oil ~ fabulous taste!)
3 medium size potatoes
2 garlic cloves
bunch of herbs (your choice, I had parsley, mint & oregano in my plant boxes)
1 egg
1/2 lemon rind
1tbs seeded mustard
1 tbs home made ajvar (tomato, onion chutney style sauce)

Boil potatoes with garlic and season with S&P, once cooled mix all above ingredients together and make burger shapes. If your mix is too runny, use breadcrumbs or oats to make them thicker. Lightly pan fry or if time permits, oven bake. 

I cooked 2 extra potatoes and quickly fried them with the asparagus in the amazing Chefs toolbox  sautĂ© pan which I am seriously using for all my cooking, these days. It is so convenient and I am loving the fact that it has a lid so I can place it either on the stove top to do all the work for me or simply place in the oven!!!! So for any of my readers here in Victoria, please contact Janet should you wish to have these beautiful products demonstrated. I'm loving it!!!! 

With regard to the salad, I just sliced the tomatoes and laid them flat on a plate, placed the cooked asparagus and sprinkled the feta. Drizzled olive oil, added S&P and squeezed half a lemon. That's how I roll, whatever is in my fridge I just make whatever with them. Sorry that my ingredients aren't anything exciting! Pretty ordinary....

Okay my lovelies, off to do the tour of duty eg: fold clothes, try to organise my laundry without killing myself trying to walk in and my general twisting of my wrist with wand in hand as I wave and make my home beautiful. That's what it's like at your house right?

Night everyone until next time!!!!

Xx Dani

Mt Buninyong run and Spooky party

Hello everyone, I know I am a teacher in my son's eyes but today he taught me something pretty amazing!!!! MIND OVER MATTER!!! Rather, reinforced it!!!

As all 6 of us snuggled in bed this morning, Noah jumped out of bed and said:

"C'mon Mum, we can run up that Mt Buningyong hill! Don't be scared!"

The belief in his eyes and passion made me bounce outta bed, put my running shoes on and go for this run!

Mountain Buninyong...elevation 719 metres above sea level.

Mount Buninyong is a hill overlooking Ballarat in Victoria, Australia. Formed from an extinct volcano.

We only managed to run a 5.5km course however I was super proud of Noah as he only stopped when we had to take these photos. Of course to show you all!!!!

Mt Buningyong

Seriously amazing stuff, the views were amazing and I was super proud of Noah as he also had his soccer game this morning and I thought this would completely exhaust him. But no! He was super charged! Said he was going to smash this mountain, and he did!!!

I must admit, I didn't want to do this run. I even sent a sms to our running trainer to say I'd give it a miss. Why? I drove the car up the mountain yesterday and I got scared! Yup! I didn't think I was built for something this extreme, so best I don't attempt it at all. Especially when I'm not a real runner and haven't ran since Run Ballarat (although I do think I did a 3km run?). Anyways, I didn't think I had enough training or prep work to get me up this hill! So I got discouraged and thought best I set some smaller goals......and do the Mt some other time.

But no! Thanks to my little champion Noah, he ENCOURAGED me do this run and for that I am truly grateful. I love you honey.

Mt Buninyong running superstar Noah

We had a full on day today with many parties and this one was completely spooky!! Our new friends did a sensational job with the cake, decorations and activities today.

How cool is the cake?? I loved it!!!

Oscar's a classic jamming away on the trampoline above!

 Mietta and her new little friend were searching for some spooky stuff in the green goo, while the hosts dressed up as a witch and zombi!!! Thanks for a great day guys!!!

I had a lot of requests from Facebook and Instagram to post the recipe for our pizza's last night so here it is. Enjoy! These seriously take under 10 minutes to make and eat!!!!

2 cups wholemeal (wheat) flour
2 tsp baking powder
10 kalamata olives
2tbs luke warm water

NB: Makes 3 medium size pizza's

Clean eating home made pizza's

Mix all ingredients in blender until dough forms
Roll dough into preferred thickness (we do ours super thin)
Lightly grease fry pan and place pizza dough, add toppings
Once base is cooked (1-2 minutes) place under griller for toppings to cook & melt

EAT and ENJOY!!!!

Xx Dani

BOO! I'm back! It's time to refocus and get a riggle on

Hey there!!!! thanks for all your lovely comments. YOU ROCK! I love reading and replying back to you so here I am only 2 days later from my last post! Told you! The more comments I get, the more posts from me. Nah! Kidding, I'll keep posting when I can, so you too keep making comments!

These last few days, have been a blur. I cannot believe it's Friday tomorrow!!! WTH? Don't get me wrong, I am super excited as we get closer to Christmas, such a special time with family and friends. Also looking forward to all the social catch ups, so I'd like to thank all my babysitters in advance for taking care of our babies. Muah!

Exercise has been a little shady, even though my workouts feel like they're happening ALL DAY running after the kids, errands, house work etc...however I do miss that glitter that beads off me! Ha! Just thought I'd make you laugh! On a serious note, I need to get a riggle on! Yes, as it's beginning to jiggle. Amazing how your body works. Don't do anything and it goes back to how it was. Workout and it tones and firms up. Funny that! ;-)

Running is on my agenda this weekend, I am challenging myself to run up Mt Buninyong with our running group. This is a map of the area,  I am yet to find out the exact course but this will give you an idea of the terrain. I'll attempt the 7.5km run as the 12km run is pretty much up a steep incline up the highway and I have been told by many to take things easy.

1. it's my first "long" run since Run Ballarat

2. I get severe stitches!

I am still very new to running, or rather slack! So I need to get back on track if I want to train for half a marathon next May!

Strawberry and kiwi oats with walnuts

Morning snack
Hummus dip with veggie sticks

Ham, egg & feta submarines served with cherry tomatoes

The kids were gorgeous today as they made their own sandwiches, so it was cute to watch the ingredients they were getting out of the fridge. 

Afternoon snack
Anzac biscuits from the best healthy chef Teresa Cutter

Anzac biscuits

This recipe is super easy and so quick. I always have these ingredients in my cupboard. If you have a blender, you are set in 3 minutes!!!

1 1/2 cups (175g/6oz) rolled oats
1/2 cup (40g/1 1/2 oz) desiccated coconut
1/2 cup (60 g / 2  1/4 oz) flaked or chopped almonds
2 1/2 tablespoons macadamia nut oil or olive oil
2 tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon vanilla extract or 1/2 teaspoon vanilla bean paste
1 tablespoon water

Combine oats, coconut and almonds into a food processor.
Add the oil, honey and vanilla.
Turn on the food processor and mix well for about 30 seconds or until combined.
Add the water and process again. The addition of water will help the cookie mixture stick together.
Form into 20 small cookies and place onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper.
Flatten down with enough room around each cookie.
Bake for 20 -30 minutes in a low 150 C (300 F)  oven. or until golden brown.
Cool completely before eating and enjoy.
Makes 20 delicious Anzac cookies
Store in an airtight container for 5 days.

Super quick and easy! We did this as our activity and the kids were even rolling them into snakes and snail forms. They didn't look that pretty, so I took only their circle shapes!

Today was Mietta's orientation for 3 year old Kinda next year. WOWZA! Time is flying by. She had a good time although, I know there will be tears next year when it's time to say goodbye and Mummy not playing with her at Kinda. Here she is enjoying some play time which will be her second home next year. 3 times per week for 2.5hrs. Enjoy honey.

Wishing you all a fabulous weekend, I'll be jetting down the beach tomorrow so stay tuned on Instagram or Facebook until I return back here to update you all. Much love &....

Xx Dani

Fit Yummy Mummy challenge ends & Oscar's 5th birthday "Pirate" celebrations

Hello! Hello! It seems like yesterday that I wrote my last post but I can't believe it's been over 5 days!!! Whaaaaat??? That's gotta change!!! Why is everything else coming first and not us? Me and you. Just us hanging out? That's gotta change! So make sure you leave me a comment so we can hang a little bit more often :-)

So the Fit Yummy Mummy challenge ended on Oscar's 5th birthday on Sunday 11th November. I have to admit, right here, right now, I dropped the ball!!!! I missed so many workouts the last 2 weeks, that it wasn't even worth me playing catch up. I'm not overly concerned as I eat pretty clean however these last few weeks with all the chocolate and the birthday stuff, I've taken a few steps back in my fitness regime. Well, that needs to change!

All in all. I am pretty happy that I maintained my weight as such and didn't go over board and gain unnecessary weight. I am a tad disappointed that I never increased my weight training and didn't gain as much muscle mass as I was hoping. Don't get me wrong, I'm no body builder nor do I want to have that type of physique. I just want to build muscle tone & definition so I don't have that "skinny" look  but see muscle definition and not just skin and bone. Like some people like to refer to it.

I also dropped the ball with my running. Like real bad, I haven't ran since Run Ballarat!!!! Pfft! Didn't I have goals in my last post? Didn't I say I would go hard or go home? Something like that. Anyways, I got distracted! Party mode more like it!!!

So Oscar turned 5 on Sunday and I can't believe how quick that has gone. It was pretty much after the birth of our 2nd son Oscar that I turned to the Fit Yummy Mummy fat loss system which has been my successful fitness and lifestyle regime. For those that are looking at an easy way to shed baby weight, workout for only 15 minutes per day, eat clean then this is the program for you. Come check it out as you get to connect with like minded women and get heaps of resources to get your body back!!!

Organic corn flakes with dried fruit

Morning snack
180 Nutrition coconut green smoothie protein drink

Chicken burger salad with hummus

Afternoon snack
Tomato, avocado and hummus on sour dough toast

Creamy beef stroganoff with tri colour fettuccini pasta

I typically cook based on what is in my fridge and pantry, in this case I had the beef strips, a packet of already sliced mushrooms, yogurt so this dish came to mind as my father (being the Croatian goulash lover, adored this dish so it always reminds me of him) however I placed a clean twist on it as typically my Mum used to cook it with cream and sour cream! Also fried the beef in butter!! Any ways, here is my version.

500gms beef strips
packet of tri colour fettuccini pasta (tomato, spinach & egg)
olive oil
mushrooms sliced
2 cups of beef stock
sprinkle of wholemeal flour
2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
yogurt or sour cream

NB: if not using fresh mushrooms, simply use 2 cups of creamy mushroom soup


1. Lightly coat beef strips with flour and season with S&P
2. Mix beef stock (or if using mushroom soup) with Worcestershire sauce
3. Once beef is brown, add stock and mushrooms
4. Allow to simmer until all cooked
5. Before serving swirl through yogurt or sour cream

Here's a quick snap shot of our weekend and of course Oscar's 5th birthday party!!

Oscar's 5th birthday "Pirate" party weekend

It started off with all his Kinda friends & cousins on Saturday as we headed to the beach on his actual birthday. So here is a snapshot of his party!

Pirate theme party 

I was a bit lazy with Oscar's party cake as I only managed to make choc mud cake muffins with chocolate ganache. I thought it was a bit easier with the kids handling muffins, so made little flags to go with the pirate theme.

I had my lovely girlfriends Celeste and Jodie help with the thank you bags and bunting flags, so a big thank you to you 2! Made my life a lot easier Friday night only baking the muffins :-) Filled this treasure box with goodies and job was done!!!

Treasure map cake

For Oscar's actual birthday I decided to bake a sugar free cake. This recipe is from the one and only healthy chef Teresa Cutter Chocolate cake. Very very nice.

I was happy with the way it turned out as it was pretty easy to convert into a treasure map which the kids ended up decorating themselves. Too cute!!!!

Okay, I promise to post more regularly and not overload you like I have with this post. I hope you are all well and I look forward to reading your comments!!!

Xx Dani