GYM JAM 30 - a Friday morning ritual towards ultimate fitness.

Friday morning is a highlight here at Hybrid as it means it's time to saddle up and see what our body is capable of. Friday is GYM JAM 30, a class once described by a participant as a class on speed!!! GYM JAM 30 is an intense class based on the high intensity interval training (HIIT) protocol. In 3 words it's hard, fast and effective.

GYM JAM 30 mainly (but not always) uses only integrated body weight movements incorporating many styles including ZUU moves, Tactfit, gymnastics and Hybrids own unique moves. It is 30 minutes that tests you physically and mentally.

Our trainer Shaun has developed this class specifically for Hybrid from his knowledge developed from training methods such as ZUU, Crossfit, and Functional Movement Training. Shaun is a qualified trainer and specialist in effective movement training, Crossfit, ZUU and is also a qualified functional movement screening practitioner.

Now let's look at the physiological benefits of GYM JAM 30:
EPOC (Exercise Post Oxygen Consumption) - EPOC is also known as after burn and it basically means that there is an elevation of your metabolism after the completion of exercise as the body tries to return to a normal resting state. So the body burns more calories after exercise trying to get back to normal, the higher the intensity the better the EPOC affect. The result, your a fat burning machine after the class.

Type II Muscle Fibre Activation - Type II Muscle fibres are known as our fast twitch muscles and require high intensity anaerobic exercise to be activated. While everyone differs we normally have around 40% of fast twitch muscle fibres and 60% slow twitch fibres (type I muscle fibres). Fast twitch fibres (type II) are not activated in aerobic type exercise ( e.g long distance running) but type I muscle fibres are activated during both aerobic and anaerobic exercise. So with GYM JAM 30 being anaerobic you are now getting 40% more muscle fibre recruitment as your type I and II muscle fibres are both being utilised.

Fat loss - high intensity exercise uses more calories, hence total energy expenditure is higher during GYM JAM 30. Along with this extra expenditure the body enters the EPOC phase. Both of these things result in fat being utilised for energy and the body burning fat at an accelerated rate for hours and hours after the session is all over. If you participated in GYM JAM 30 at 6:30am you would still be burning fat at an accelerated rate at dinner time that night. High intensity exercise is more effective for fat loss than other types of training.

Hormonal Response - GYM JAM 30 recruits multiple muscle groups with bursts of high intensity exercise and restricted rest periods. This will increase our levels of lactate acid, which in turn will increase our human growth hormone levels. Increased human growth hormone stimulates muscle protein synthesis and promotes the oxidation of fat. In a nutshell it increases lean muscle and reduces body fat.

GYM JAM 30 -walk in prepared and walk out proud. Using your body like its meant to be used.