FYM transformation challenge WEEK 9 & Spring Carnival

2 weeks to go!!! Whoop! Whoop! Well in actual fact the Fit Yummy Mummy program I follow, the Transformation Challenge ends in 11 days!!! On Oscar's 5th birthday in fact 11/11. It has been great however for the last 3 weeks with my neck and lower back issues, I haven't been working out to the full capacity I would HAVE like to! Never mind, I don't want to start to complain because.....

I know that sounds harsh but if I'm not making an excuse, I'm complaining about something and that has got to stop. Sure I get it when my body tells me I can't do the normal training stuff but when I am feeling better, I opt to sit on the couch, eat crap and get stuck in my rut. So it's time to lift my game and even though I only have 11 days to go, I'm going to give it all I've got!


  • I'm giving up or limiting ALL my "no added" sugar foods
  • Never missing a workout
  • Running twice a week
  • Practising my yoga every day

And of course all the other stuff a mother of 4 and CEO of this household does :-) JUST DO IT! I say. Seriously, no one else is going to do it for us! We are all busy, we ALL need to make time for things that really matter to us the most.

Today was my first official "I'M BACK" moment of working out. Completed the Transformation Kit workout hence my photo above. I was pumped!!! There is no reason why I should sabotage my progress thus far and go back to my old habits. What for?

Having said that a beautiful girlfriend of mine just posted on Facebook Progress NOT Perfection. Thanks for the reminder sweetie. I love you dearly Xx

PWOS (post workout shake)
180 Nutrition coconut protein drink PWOS

Mietta and I were out this morning, another sensational sunny day and finished the October yoga challenge which I really enjoyed!

I've been really inspired by some posts on Facebook and especially Instagram, there are challenges happening there all the time. You all know me by now, challenge should be my middle name. There was this awesome skipping Youtube link I posted on FB, how cool is this? Then there was the yoga challenge and another awesome yoga person who did a handstand. I haven't done one in over 20 years!! He has inspired me, so I may just practise them.....

Spring Carnival fascinators 

All in all, it's been a busy last couple of days since I last posted. Amongst planning another birthday party, there is the Melbourne Cup next Tuesday so I am attending a luncheon here locally. My gorgeous fashion designer Barb was kind enough to make my fascinator this year, to go with my electric blue shoes of course.....Frida Kahlo inspired head pieces.

What are your thoughts of my Frida Kahlo inspired fascinator??? I'll make sure I take a full picture next week with my entire ensemble.

You can place your orders NOW and for further styles and queries please get in touch with Barb via her blog or Sunshine and Daydreams Facebook page as there are many more beautiful pieces to view. If you have already got this years fascinator please make sure you put your order for next Spring Carnival 2013 or need a "party season" Flapper style head piece? This is the place to go!!!!

Our dinner menu this week....

The weather has been so amazing lately, we have been cooking on the BBQ. Although tonight's bolognese sauce was done in the one and only wonderful Chefs toolbox sautĂ© pan. I love the fact I can even serve it directly on the table from the stove top!!!

Our kids are loving these frogurts and fruit ice pops. Simply blend whatever fruit you have with yogurt and place in your moulds. They think it's Christmas!!!!

Okay my beautiful peeps, off to catch some much need sleep. Much love to you, until we meet again.

Xx Dani