What do the Walls tell you about your Gym

Next time you go into your gym check out the walls. Why you ask? Walls can tell you alot about the gym, it can show you the work ethos, the philosophy of training, and the effectiveness of training going on in the particular gym.

If the walls are clean and pristine, covered by only mirrors/posters and with no marks in sight then good chance that you are better off turning around and finding another gym. Walls are a great, great training tool, Walls should be utilised, they are so much more then a structure that holds up the ceiling. Your training should be encouraging you to use it, to mess it up, not to keep off it and keep it clean.

Walls can be used for wall sits, wall walks, wall balls, med ball drills, hand stand push-ups, shoulder scapular drills, running drills, stretching etc. Walls are an integral part of your fitness regime. Walls should be encouraged to use.

So next time you are in a gym check the walls out, embrace the walls with marks, good chance is you have entered a gym that knows how to get people in great shape.
Some useful wall use. Come get some at HYBRID.