Do What you Hate to get to your goal Quicker

One major reason people fail at achieving their goals is because they avoid doing the things they hate...... Seriously, think about this, put yourself in the scenario.......... The majority of people who program their own workouts are not reaching their full potential as they are always picking what they want to do. If you are only doing this then I can tell you you are avaoiding things that you should be doing to gain true fitness.

I have been training some young footballers recently and whenever I can I will throw in front squats as I know they hate them and probably only ever do them when they are with me. Front Squats should be at the top of their exercise selection due to its extensive benefits but due to the tough nature of the exercise it is rarely seen in some gyms. Soon as I say front squats someone will complain, you can see the dis-pleasure on their faces.

If you avoid what you hate you simply will not develop your true fitness potential. At Hybrid we make sure people are doing things they hate, exercises they loathe, everything beneficial but avoided by the general masses. Getting people out of their comfort zone to achieve a high level of overall fitness.

Remember the famous training quote "If it was easy then everyone would be doing it". Maybe this quote is wrong,  people are doing it cause it is easy, they believe they are training hard, because they do the things they like, the easy things. Thats why so many people probably visit Jetts, they are comfy on their little un-functional machine that is not really helping them out at all, everyone down their is doing it, cause that machine is easy!!!

Think of how much fun it would be to turn up to training not having a clue wht is about to go down, being nervous about the workout that could be coming, taking on whatever gets thrown at you. This is our philosophy at Hybrid, we keep you guessing, you will do things you hate, you will do things you love too. It will be a challenge and it will help you reach your fitness potential and achieve your fitness goals.

A group of clients at Hybrid, turning up to the unknown then just getting it done!!