I Have to get into Shape before coming to a Hybrid Class!!!

Their are statisitics everywhere you look, monetary, population, crime, health, fitness etc. I don't worry about too many statistics but one that does play on my mind is that of all of the people considering to get healthier or fitter only 20% of people will follow through.

So out of every 10 people who want to get fitter only 2 will make significant changes to do so. This bugs me!!! This needs to be higher, obesity and lifestyle diseases are on the rise, soon to be at epidemic proportions.

I do understand why people do not follow through on their desire, I have blogged on this previously on why this is so. Check it out for more info on this.

What I am going to blog about here though is one specific thing I hear all of the time. People come to me and say I am going to come to a session of yours once I get fit!! People tell me this, our other people tell me they have friends who want to come they just have to get fit first! Fit for what? Most of the time you don't know what you are going to be doing at a Hybrid sessions so how do you get fitter for this, do you walk/run on a treadmill? Do you go do some sit-ups?

Sorry the answer to these are no, to get fit for a Hybrid session you need to come to a Hybrid session, as simple as that.

We are not scary, we are not some cult, we are not freaks, we are trainers that strive to do our best each and every session we take. We test all components of fitness, we get you to do things that you probably wouldn't imagine doing. No amount on a treadmill will prepare you for that. The only way to get ready for the next Hybrid Fitness session is by participating in Hybrid Fitness Sessions.

Our number 1 rule is that we have no egos in our gym, we have supportive trainers who are real people just like our clients, we live of our motto of "your effort is our reward" for the time we put in training people and designing classes. And your reward will be the effort you put in.

Our classes can be successfully completed by people of any fitness level, we can change exercises to suit your level of fitness, we can modify things so you get through. You will feel a great sense of accomplishment once you commence and see that yes anyone can train at Hybrid. Peoples needs are pretty much similar, the level of these needs may vary, we work at the level of your needs, if you come and do your best then that's all we ever ask, regardless of what your best is.

So if you hear anyone tell you (or you are thinking it yourself) that they need to get fit first before they come to Hybrid Fitness tell them that this is rubbish, they only way to get fit for a Hybrid session is by attending a Hybrid session.

People of various fitness levels working together, doing their best to successfully complete a Hybrid session. You too can do this, all you have to do is take that first step, commit and then you will flourish.