Diet Pills - Scams,Scams, Scams???

Dr Ken Harvey has publicly slammed weight loss products stating that a majority of the 1,000+ weight loss products on sale in Australia are nothing but scams.

Dr Harvey, says claims that diet pills can help people lose weight fast after bingeing are "crazy and dangerous".Some companies are promoting fat loss products that claim its pills remove fat and carbs from food. For example, it claims someone could eat a Big Mac and fries and take five pills to undo it. A biscuit could be undone with one pill.

"It's crazy, dangerous stuff and very appealing if you like your Big Mac and fries. But there's no evidence it works and it"s really dangerous from a public health point of view"says Harvey. He goes on to add that many products on the market "certainly rip people off ", were straight-out scams, or diverted people away from weight loss programs that actually work. They're just scams."There's real harm in terms of turning people away from more evidence-based (care) ... we've got an obesity epidemic on our hands."

At Hybrid we know there are no short cuts, good health means good nutrition, nutrition has so many affects on the body and mind, we need to eat quality foods for positve health. The issue should not be weight, it should be health, pills will not give you you daily nutritional requirements, only quality foods can do this. Yes we do sell supplements but we promote them as only that, a supplement to assist with performance and recovery, to assist with sound nutritional eating, not to replace it.

Now be careful, if a trainer ever insists you need to be on a particular diet pill/supplement to help with fat loss then reflect back on this article, its probably a scam!! Oh and there are trainers in our area who work like this.

Li-Lo Challenge 2012 - The Video

The 1st challenge was a geat success....well from my point of view anyway, a few of the contestants may have other views. They were tested not only physically but also mentally with the frustrating task of trying to collect water in cups riddled with holes.

For 35 miutes they paddled on their li-lo's, straddled through waist deep water and then went through a obstacle course all with the aim of getting as much water back to their buckets as possible. Some cups returned empty, contestants were frustruated but keen to go again and try and get that bucket full. No one quit, no one complained they just continued on, they were here for a challenge and to get the challenge done was the only choice, the only way.

At the end of it all we had Luke and Phil complete the most laps, having the opportunity to get the most water, but when the buckets were measured only one team would reign supreme, Kate and Tracey looked the goods, that was until we got to the very last bucket of Josh and Susan who had bettered the amount that no one else had been able to do. So we have Josh and Susan in 1st place with 18 winners closely behind, winners as they took something on, they attempted and they conquered, winners as no one quit, no stopped till the very end. 

Great work guys, I hope you all rnjoyed it. Feel free to leave a comment on your experience. 

Time to start planning for challenge number 2!!! 

What do the Walls tell you about your Gym

Next time you go into your gym check out the walls. Why you ask? Walls can tell you alot about the gym, it can show you the work ethos, the philosophy of training, and the effectiveness of training going on in the particular gym.

If the walls are clean and pristine, covered by only mirrors/posters and with no marks in sight then good chance that you are better off turning around and finding another gym. Walls are a great, great training tool, Walls should be utilised, they are so much more then a structure that holds up the ceiling. Your training should be encouraging you to use it, to mess it up, not to keep off it and keep it clean.

Walls can be used for wall sits, wall walks, wall balls, med ball drills, hand stand push-ups, shoulder scapular drills, running drills, stretching etc. Walls are an integral part of your fitness regime. Walls should be encouraged to use.

So next time you are in a gym check the walls out, embrace the walls with marks, good chance is you have entered a gym that knows how to get people in great shape.
Some useful wall use. Come get some at HYBRID.

Hybrid Shirts!! Come get some

The first edition of Hybrid Shirts are available now. Will be great winter gym wear!!!

Mens and Ladies Shirts - $35 each.

See Shaun and get one today.

I Have to get into Shape before coming to a Hybrid Class!!!

Their are statisitics everywhere you look, monetary, population, crime, health, fitness etc. I don't worry about too many statistics but one that does play on my mind is that of all of the people considering to get healthier or fitter only 20% of people will follow through.

So out of every 10 people who want to get fitter only 2 will make significant changes to do so. This bugs me!!! This needs to be higher, obesity and lifestyle diseases are on the rise, soon to be at epidemic proportions.

I do understand why people do not follow through on their desire, I have blogged on this previously on why this is so. Check it out for more info on this.

What I am going to blog about here though is one specific thing I hear all of the time. People come to me and say I am going to come to a session of yours once I get fit!! People tell me this, our other people tell me they have friends who want to come they just have to get fit first! Fit for what? Most of the time you don't know what you are going to be doing at a Hybrid sessions so how do you get fitter for this, do you walk/run on a treadmill? Do you go do some sit-ups?

Sorry the answer to these are no, to get fit for a Hybrid session you need to come to a Hybrid session, as simple as that.

We are not scary, we are not some cult, we are not freaks, we are trainers that strive to do our best each and every session we take. We test all components of fitness, we get you to do things that you probably wouldn't imagine doing. No amount on a treadmill will prepare you for that. The only way to get ready for the next Hybrid Fitness session is by participating in Hybrid Fitness Sessions.

Our number 1 rule is that we have no egos in our gym, we have supportive trainers who are real people just like our clients, we live of our motto of "your effort is our reward" for the time we put in training people and designing classes. And your reward will be the effort you put in.

Our classes can be successfully completed by people of any fitness level, we can change exercises to suit your level of fitness, we can modify things so you get through. You will feel a great sense of accomplishment once you commence and see that yes anyone can train at Hybrid. Peoples needs are pretty much similar, the level of these needs may vary, we work at the level of your needs, if you come and do your best then that's all we ever ask, regardless of what your best is.

So if you hear anyone tell you (or you are thinking it yourself) that they need to get fit first before they come to Hybrid Fitness tell them that this is rubbish, they only way to get fit for a Hybrid session is by attending a Hybrid session.

People of various fitness levels working together, doing their best to successfully complete a Hybrid session. You too can do this, all you have to do is take that first step, commit and then you will flourish.

Do What you Hate to get to your goal Quicker

One major reason people fail at achieving their goals is because they avoid doing the things they hate...... Seriously, think about this, put yourself in the scenario.......... The majority of people who program their own workouts are not reaching their full potential as they are always picking what they want to do. If you are only doing this then I can tell you you are avaoiding things that you should be doing to gain true fitness.

I have been training some young footballers recently and whenever I can I will throw in front squats as I know they hate them and probably only ever do them when they are with me. Front Squats should be at the top of their exercise selection due to its extensive benefits but due to the tough nature of the exercise it is rarely seen in some gyms. Soon as I say front squats someone will complain, you can see the dis-pleasure on their faces.

If you avoid what you hate you simply will not develop your true fitness potential. At Hybrid we make sure people are doing things they hate, exercises they loathe, everything beneficial but avoided by the general masses. Getting people out of their comfort zone to achieve a high level of overall fitness.

Remember the famous training quote "If it was easy then everyone would be doing it". Maybe this quote is wrong,  people are doing it cause it is easy, they believe they are training hard, because they do the things they like, the easy things. Thats why so many people probably visit Jetts, they are comfy on their little un-functional machine that is not really helping them out at all, everyone down their is doing it, cause that machine is easy!!!

Think of how much fun it would be to turn up to training not having a clue wht is about to go down, being nervous about the workout that could be coming, taking on whatever gets thrown at you. This is our philosophy at Hybrid, we keep you guessing, you will do things you hate, you will do things you love too. It will be a challenge and it will help you reach your fitness potential and achieve your fitness goals.

A group of clients at Hybrid, turning up to the unknown then just getting it done!!

SLEEP - The most effect recovery tool you have!!!

Fail - its a word we not afraid of.........but maybe these people should have been.

There's a few things we need in life, things like love and support are neccessities. We also need laughter, on average kids laugh up 300 times a day will adults struggle to make it to 10 a day. At Hybrid we encourage hard work, maximum effort, to try your best but we also have a gym rule that at some stage during class you need to laugh and then laugh some more. Laughter is good for our health.

Here is our contribution to laughter, sit back laugh and feel good.These people tried something and they failed, some probably should not have tried, maybe some have a successful attempt video that we will never see. We encourage people trying things, taking on challenges, fail at will, but make sure that from failure we learn we come back stronger and we conquer. Some are down right dangerous and stupid, we do not encourage these.

Enjoy the video.

Daily Play, a thing of the Past?

A new study out recently highlights the massive decline in children's play time. The study is the first of its kind investigating the play habits of Australian children between aged 8 -12. The research shows that nearly half of Australian kids are not playing daily or even regularly. This is a major concern for our community and the generations to follow. Active play and physical activity are instrument in developing movement patterns, creativity, social skills, healthy habits and the prevention of lifestyle desease. It seems that the kids of today are consumed with electronic devices or they are too busy with the pressure of homework. It seems schools too are not helping out, no focus is put on play or physical activity in many schools instead its all about literacy and numeracy.

This report is scary, play and activity is so important in a child's life, it helps them develop physically and cognitively, physical active bodies lead to focused cognition. It is sad to think that in years to come that the majority of kids may not do any regular physical activity. This will have a detrimental effect on society, it is a significant event.

An what could to the cost be of this? Well an obesity epidemic and a rapid increase of lifestyle diseases, we may have kids that are good at maths as they will be needed, needed to do the statistics on the rapid decline in the next generations health.


Hybrid Fitness Air Mattress Challenge 2012

The first challenge of 2012 is nearly here. Can you get out of your comfort zone and conquer the challenge.

To start off 2012 we have a pool air mattress challenge. All you need is an air mattress (single size), some old shoes and a partner. If you do not have a partner you can compete individually.

The challenge is  on Sunday the 25th March starting next to the rowing sheds on the Clarence River at 8:30am. It does involve getting into the water and a whole lot of other things. It will be challenging, it will be fun and it will be rewarding.

Come along and have a go. Challenges are here for us to grow, take something on that you would not normally do.

Email Shaun at to register.

Your Secret Weapon or you Nemesis - THE MIND-BODY CONNECTION

Have you exercised lately? Has it just been your body that your working? Or has your mind been in on the workout too? There is a very big mind-body connection when it comes to physical activity and pushing yourself, and the MIND IS STRONG. The results of the workout are usually the result of the MIND-BODY conversation and in most cases the MIND wins stopping you short of your full potential.

Recent research into psychoneuroimmunology (PNI), which is the study of the relationship between mind, nervous system, and immunity, has shown that thoughts, belief, and emotion can have enormous effects on health and performance.

Getting straight to the point how you think in general and in a workout will have either a negative or positive effect. Think of your own experiences, have you ever started a workout and started thinking negatively, things like "I am hurting I need to stop" or " I can't do this". If you think this way then this is the way your body will respond. If you think positively then the body reactes the same way. For example lets put a positive outlook one of the negative thoughts above, instead of " I am hurting I need to stop" go with "wow, this hurts, this is a challenge, but I am up for any challenge thrown at me, I can do this".

I am sure people like Lance Armstrong, Michael Jordan etc. have had doubt in their lives but they have taught their brain to be positive, to use this positve thinking to have the MIND-BODY connection to be a champion. We all arent blessed with their skills and genetics but we are common in that the way we think is how we feel.

REMEMBER, how you think is up to you!!! AND REMEMBER how you think does have a effect on your health and fitness and your accomplishments. Next time you get a chance to do a workout were the mind starts to get doubtful, turn it around get positive and let your mind help you reach your ful potential.

PEARL JAM's song INSIDE JOB sums it up perfectly for me, Eddie sings How I choose to feel,... Is how I am. Anytime I myself am not thinking right I sing the lyrics to this song and it helps me get positive again. It is my little trigger to get my thinking right.

Check this song out below, put it on your Ipod and use the power of this lyric. I do!!!!!