Can You Tell Me About The Advantages of Strength Training?

How can this type of workout benefit the female body in particular?

Training and exercise provide several advantages. But how can this be used for strength training? While it is general knowledge that cardio raises your heart rate, the debate on social media leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to showcasing strength training for reasons other than muscle gain.

Can you tell me about the advantages of strength training

King is determined to alter that. "Force conditioning, and specifically the functional movements we teach at Fluidform, are meant to assist your daily life, particularly the health and function of your spine and joints."

Functional fitness is a workout strategy that, as King puts it, "supports the body to guarantee that your daily motions can be completed with ease and without pain." That sounds amazing.

Change is unavoidable, and our bodies are subjected to it throughout our lives. Functional fitness is crucial because it supports the changes that our bodies go through as we age and encounter life events like birth.

"Strength training isn't necessarily about lifting weights," King adds. "It's about employing a combination of isometric and isotonic grips to increase strength without hurting the joints and body." In other words, the effect is modest, but the payoff is tremendous.

Inspiration :

How Overcoming My Fear of Strength Training Altered My Training and My Connection With My Body

Oh, nutritional culture. There is scarcely anything more damaging to the psyche, body, and mind than the pervasive ideas and assertions that our beauty is more important than our well-being.

How did we manage to normalize calorie restriction and risky exercise for so long in order to obtain a body form that society thinks is "acceptable"?

How Overcoming My Fear of Strength Training Altered My Training and My Connection With My Body

Fortunately, movements for body neutrality and acceptance currently dominate the debates. And, rather than exhausting ourselves with hours of exercise to lose weight rapidly, we realize that the benefits of strength training surpass looks alone.

In fact, gaining strength is a terrific, helpful method to help you feel better in many aspects of your life. Say it again for the ones back there.

I can now say all of this with confidence, but it wasn't long ago that I battled to believe anything I just said. Like many others who have been motivated and emboldened by health concepts of all kinds, I have made significant advances in redefining my personal connection with my body.

However, as I started my fitness adventure, the anxiety of gaining muscle lingered.

But I've discovered that facing my fears is the best thing I can do. So I attempted to unlearn the detrimental message that had shaped my own attitude and view of my body for far too long.

This search brought me to Kirsten King, the founder and primary teacher of Fluidform Pilates. King discusses the benefits of strength training for women and how to incorporate it into your fitness routine.

Inspiration :

The Trainer Claims That These Free Weight Workouts Can Help You Lose Belly Fat Quicker

Dealing with belly fat may be a real bummer, whether you're getting ready for bathing season or planning a beach getaway with that special someone. (Not to mention that abdominal fat, commonly known as visceral fat, has been linked to a number of health hazards.) 

Losing abdominal fat is a frequent and sensible fitness goal that many desire to attain. This sort of fat is a great pain to get rid of since it is tough to get rid of. But don't worry; we've put together some effective free weight workouts that can help you lose belly fat faster and get in shape for your sunny vacation.

Let's break down the fat by discussing a few significant characters in the game. A healthy lifestyle, calorie deficit eating, regular exercise, and a focus on strength training are all important habits to cultivate. Strength training should make up the majority of your workout since it develops muscle, raises your metabolism, and burns fat. 

And, if you want to reduce belly fat quickly, you should do difficult strength workouts, ideally with free weights. Free weights are preferable to other kinds of strength training because they encourage your body to work harder and engage more muscle groups.

You've come to the right site if you're not sure which free weight workouts to do. Here are four exercises you may include in your existing regimen or do as a solo workout. Aim for three working sets of the following motions, and then read about the four greatest exercises for strong and toned arms in 2022, according to the trainer.

Bulgarian Split Squat

From a standing posture, place your back foot on a bench or sofa and step out about 2 to 3 feet from the bench with your other foot. Start the action by lowering your body straight down — with control — such that your back knee almost touches the ground and your front leg is in a lunge. Then, to return to standing, utilize your weight to move through your front heel, bending your quadriceps and glutes as you rise. Complete three sets of ten repetitions on each leg.

Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Begin by placing the dumbbells next to your shoulders, palms facing each other. Hold your torso securely and your gluteal muscles taut, then lift the dumbbells up, bending your shoulders and triceps. Before conducting another exercise, slowly lower the weight. Perform three sets of ten repetitions each.

Dumbbell Renegade Row

Begin this activity by performing a wide-standing push-up with a dumbbell in either hand. Maintaining a stiff trunk and gluteal muscles, grab a hand and row the weight upwards by moving your elbow towards your hip and pushing your lat. Row using the other arm after returning the weight to the ground. Perform three sets of six to eight repetitions for each arm.

Kettlebell Deadlift

In this workout, you stand in front of the kettlebell with your feet outside of the weight. Squat deep enough to grip the kettlebell by pushing your hips back. Check that your shoulders are parallel to the handle and that your upper body is straight. Pick up the kettlebell by pushing with your heels and hips while keeping your core tight and shoulders down. Stand tall and raise your gluteal muscles. Before doing another repeat, reverse the movement to drop the weight. Perform three sets of ten repetitions each.

Inspiration :

Ballarat in Bloom luncheon

What a sensational day we had in Ballarat yesterday!! I was thrilled to be invited to attend the "Ballarat in Bloom" luncheon and take my wonderful readers on a journey to some of Ballarat's key venues, beautiful food and brilliant attractions. 

The day saw us hear from key speakers and visit some amazing places. The day commenced at Jackson and Co. for a delicious fruit cocktail punch and some light refreshments. This Hotel sits on the site of the first major intersection in Ballarat, Lydiard and Mair Streets. It has recently experienced a sympathetic restoration including the original verandah.

Life is all about having balance. I enjoyed both the scones with fresh cream and jam, along with a plate full of fresh fruit. Everything is made fresh, daily.

Funny, funny historian Barry Ryan runs us through the history of Jackson and Co. in the rooftop terrace.

Did you know there were 466 pubs in the Ballarat region during the 1800's and now only 46 exist. Amazing how times and lifestyles have changed!

I love fruit especially with a rooftop view. Overlooking our beautiful city

Our day then saw us walk to Doveton Street towards The Forge Pizzeria and past some amazing vintage cars. 

To arrive at a beautifully styled table filled with lunch specials including their most popular pumpkin vegetarian and Shearer's lamb pizza's. The Forge Pizzeria is a great casual dining restaurant and I highly recommend to any visitors (if you can get a seat). This place caters for everyone and has an awesome industrial feel to it.

I then struck gold when some special guests arrived....

What an awesome tourist attraction Sovereign Hill is. Our kids absolutely love that place and personally, I love it too. I remember visiting when I was younger so it's great to share this same experience with our kids today. My tip is to take advantage of the multi-day pass as there is not enough time to see and do everything in one day. If you are a local, I recommend a yearly pass allowing you to come and go as you please 365 days of the year. Sovereign Hill hosts so many events throughout the year you will get value for money. 

We then arrived at The Golden City Hotel, named after our glorious city which earned it's nickname in the 1850's during the gold rush. We had some more super tasting canapés and refreshments. Check out these little miniature hamburgers over looking Sturt Street. 

What a view right? We have such a picturesque regional city and we are super lucky to have these historic buildings surround us. Ballarat is steeped in history and is within reach of Melbourne. Only a little over an hour from the CBD it is well worth the trip to see what I am talking about.

Hang on!!! Who's this??? 

Pickles the wombat from the Wildlife Park popped in. He couldn't miss out on this luncheon. He's even changed his eating habits and eating more healthier "green" meals too. 

Such a beautiful variety of canapés. Hats off to the chef at The Golden City Hotel!

It was then time to head around Lake Wendouree and visit the Botanical Gardens, at which point I had to bid farewell to my amazing group. I waved everyone goodbye as they rode off on a vintage bus. 

This following picture is courtesy of The Couriers IG page. A Knight in shining armour pictured with some beautiful flowers from The Botanical Gardens 

This amazing knight can be found at another awesome theme park in Ballarat, Kryal Castle. Another one our favourite family things to do. See more on our experience at Kryal Castle here.

Happy Saturday everyone!

November #ffs_style challenge

Let's have some fun this week. Please tag the word per day, use the hash tag #ffs_style and get creative. You can Tweet, Facebook, Pin, Google+, Instagram etc... We'll find you!!!

Day 1 - lunch at The Golden City Hotel, Ballarat

How amazing do these little hamburgers look??? I attended the Ballarat in Bloom luncheon today and can't wait to share more pictures of my day on my next post. 

For now get snapping! I look forward to checking out the #ffs_style gallery and seeing all your pictures. 

Happy Friday!