October- The month for eating right

Don't forget about the info night/seminar this Tuesday starting at 7pm. The info gained will help you participate in eating well for the month of October and what is required of you to partake. How you take on this challenge will gauge your results, if you stick to the guidelines presented you will see results and positive changes in body composition, improve you health and fitness and rid yourself of any cravings you may get.  If you don't stick to your commitment then please don't come asking why nothing has changed for you. Pretty Simple really. Do or don't the choice is always yours. Come along Tuesday for the info you need to eat right and have success at Hybrid.

Tomorrow also is the first day of the new timetable, there may be disruptions this week with the adjustments but please be patient.

Tomorrows workout;

EMOM for 8 minutes - 10 Kettlebell Russian Swings (24/16kg) & 5 Deadlifts (85/60kg)

Met- Con: October Benchmark WOD - Short Kelly
3 rds for time:
400m Run
30 Box Jumps (24/20')
30 Wall Ball (9/6kg)

15 minute cut-off