Weight loss story on Transformation Tuesday with Meg

I love receiving transformation submissions from my readers from all walks of life and varying ages. Here is the adorable Meg, she has said goodbye to 15kgs and has turned her health around. No longer is she eating take away or junk foods, she's now eating healthy and exercising 3-4 times per week.

Give Meg a virtual round of applause!!! You look great sweetie.

How old are you and please can you share your health and fitness journey to date?
I am 15 years old, I have been large and over weight my whole life. My dads side of the family are large too and I didn't want to be known as a 'Thomas' so I decided a year ago to turn my health around.

What types of foods did you used to eat as a kid and young adult? What's changed since then?
I ate what ever I want. Junk food, lollies, sugar. I'd eat it when ever I wanted and portion to me didn't matter but now I see how bad that is for me and I try to eat as healthy as I can.

Do you play any sports or what sports do you like watching?
I play basketball at school

What are your interests, passion and what makes you smile?
I love helping people. I love singing and acting. I strive to help as many people as I can in life

What was the catalyst that sparked your lifestyle change?
Feeling bigger than my friends for my whole life. Not being as fit

What are some of your dreams/goals you hope to achieve over the next 12 months?
To lose about 13 more kilos. If that doesn't happen I just want to become overall more healthy

What tips would you like to share with my readers about your transformation?
To never give up! My weight kept going up and down for that whole year making me want to give up but my biggest tip is to just keep going!

* * * 

If you would like to follow Meg, she can be found on Instagram @meg_thomas10. Keep up the amazing work, we are all here to cheer you along the way!

Much love and friendship,

Weekend Shannies: Fall is in the air!

This weekend was quite different than the last few. It was very low key and productive, and I was able to catch up on my rest. That was glorious! Last weekend, I did not sleep well at all and was up really early both days. This past week was stressful and emotional so I did not sleep good then either. Being able to sleep in and rest some really made me feel like a new person.

Originally Marq and I were supposed to go to Myrtle Beach to meet with a national franchise that Marq is considering buying. Friday evening that fell through so we stayed here. Friday night did not consist of much, just gym. After the gym, I was tired and Marq was exhausted so we cooked dinner and just hung out at home.

Saturday morning I slept in until 11! It was so nice. When I finally woke up Marq and I took off to town to tour a tanning salon he is considering purchasing (this gets tiring) then had a bunch of errands to run. We came back from all of that around 3. My house decided to take a nap after that. Look at my lazy babies!

While they napped, I got myself prepped for the week!

After about an hour we took off to the dog park. The weather was absolutely perfection! Hello fall! We had a great time.  There was a particular Pug that took to Marq and I, we loved him! I debated on taking him home. Heh.

After the dog park we all came back home, took showers, and got ready. Marquis and I decided to go see "Prisoners". It was really good, the acting was incredible. And I love Hugh and Jake. They define sexy. It is a really long movie though. We went to the 9 o'clock showing and did not get home until after midnight. I wore my new lace top from Venus. It's sexy, I love it!

This morning I woke up and Marquis surprised me with breakfast; egg white omelet with egg whites, turkey sausage, and cheese with a side of Special K Yogurt cereal. Yum! I went to spin class at noon, normally class is 45 minutes but today it was an hour. I pushed hard and man my legs are aching! After the gym I had a lot more errands to run. My grocery shopping alone takes 3 stops. Ugh! 

Now I'm ready to make it a successful week! Food is prepped!

Tonight Marquis and I are cooked all of our chicken on the grill. I'm so glad because everything tastes so much better on the grill. I am making a side of baked beans and I also made a healthy potato salad. It's made with red potatoes and plain greek yogurt. It's packed with protein and complex carbohydrates - completely healthy for you and delicious. It's a win, win!

Now it is time for a little Sunday night relaxation!

Well, that's about it for me this weekend! Cheers!

October- The month for eating right

Don't forget about the info night/seminar this Tuesday starting at 7pm. The info gained will help you participate in eating well for the month of October and what is required of you to partake. How you take on this challenge will gauge your results, if you stick to the guidelines presented you will see results and positive changes in body composition, improve you health and fitness and rid yourself of any cravings you may get.  If you don't stick to your commitment then please don't come asking why nothing has changed for you. Pretty Simple really. Do or don't the choice is always yours. Come along Tuesday for the info you need to eat right and have success at Hybrid.

Tomorrow also is the first day of the new timetable, there may be disruptions this week with the adjustments but please be patient.

Tomorrows workout;

EMOM for 8 minutes - 10 Kettlebell Russian Swings (24/16kg) & 5 Deadlifts (85/60kg)

Met- Con: October Benchmark WOD - Short Kelly
3 rds for time:
400m Run
30 Box Jumps (24/20')
30 Wall Ball (9/6kg)

15 minute cut-off

Rocktober Challenge - 15 week Freeletics transformation challenge

Hello everyone! Ready for this months Rocktober fitness challenge? YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE THIS!!!

I just recently came across Freeletics (as most of you are aware, I don't have the flexibility to go to a gym with 4 kids under 8 years) so the beauty with these workouts is, the only equipment required is YOU!!!! 

Fitness Food And Style joins Freeletics

Workout wherever you are at home, at the office, park etc... How cool is that? That is why I had to share it with you. You have a choice of which program suits you. My husband Adrian is also joining me along with my brother Daniel and a few other friends. We are pumped!!!!

The first set of exercises are pretty intense!!! 5 rounds of burpees, squats and sit ups. You start with 50, 40, 30, 20 & then finish off with 10 reps. As fast and hard as you can.

Aphrodite is a cardio and strength based workout

Freeletics is all about perfecting your time with each workout. There are two types of training: Workouts and MAX. The exercises have to be completed in the exact same order and number as stated. You need to complete your workouts as fast as possible. 

These workouts are global. So many male and female "Free Athletes" across the globe wanting to reach a specific fitness goal. What I love the most about it, is WE are all connected and share the same goal orientated plan. 

So that's our plan this month to start our 15 week transformation. Will you join me?

If yes, please visit Freeletics.com register and buy your preferred workout guide. Have a look at some of these amazing transformations for some inspiration;

Are you ready for your Freeletics transformation? Let the countdown begin.

Much love and friendship

A Season of Change...

What a week. What a life.
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I feel like I have so much I want to say right now. I want to write my situation down on my blog, get out on paper, and get it out of my head. But I can't do that right now. There is a lot of uncertainty in my life and I feel a lot of hard changes coming. If there is one quote that has always stuck with me in life, it is this one:

and sometimes, a lot of times in life, I do not feel I follow this. I used too. But over the years I have transformed. I do not always like the person I have become. This probably does not make sense. Sometimes when your heart is speaking, your brain does not always translate the words and the feelings like it should. 

More soon on that. Now, back to this week.

It has been a pretty quiet and calm week. I have been battling mood highs and lows because of all the change coming forth in my job. I had a job interview yesterday. It is for the Executive Assistant/Administration Director to the CEO of a Real Estate company. The CEO is an amazing woman. She was voted one of Charlotte's 50 most influential women and CEO's, and has won many, many awards in the real estate world. She started her company from the ground a mere 7 years ago and has grown it extraordinarily. 

Yesterday was finally the interview. After completing an essay on why they should hire me followed by a personality test, I was called in for the interview.

When I went into it, I was pretty calm. I am used to interviews at this point. I have been trying on and off for a year for a new position. But in walks the CEO. She is very stern and intimidating. She knows what she wants and how she wants it done. Those are key components for a CEO so I do not know why I was surprised. 

She had a thick stack of papers in her hands. She sat down in the conference room across the table from me and dove right into asking the standard questions. They were very difficult to answer. You guys probably know how that is. Describe a time where the outcome of a specific project did not align to the clients requests and how you elected to rectify the situation. Ugh, I hate that. I'm not good at that. She asks all of those type of questions for each job I have ever held. It was not going that great. I stuttered some, did not know exactly what to say, and I was just ready to walk out of the interview. Literally in the middle of her asking those questions, just get up and walk out. But I didn't.

Next we get to the paper filled with words. Upon her reading each word, I had to rate myself a 1-6. One meaning I'm not good at all and 6 meaning that I am superstar. I was doing OK I thought and then she says the word "pragmatic". I had no idea what that meant. She did not either, really. She thought about it for a second and kind of explained it. And I believe the definition is "your ability to think logically and realistically". I could Google to verify, but who cares.

Just as I thought the interview was a complete bomb and a complete waste of an uncomfortable outfit, she says the word "ambition". 1-6? I don't think think so. I say 7. She laughs and it breaks the ice a little. She tells me I did a good job on the test. Then we get down to the basics. I get to tell her all about me, my life, and what I want. I told her how I admired her accomplishments so much and I want to strive to be like that. I also talked a little about her company since I did my research and how I would fit and be able to help her grow her business even more.

Gosh, being an interview is the biggest sales pitch of ones life, ha.

After an hour and a half, we close our conversation. She has had the job I interviewed for posted for a month and a half. She did this because she wants to ensure she finds the right person. She also added that she deleted thousand's of Resume's sent to her because they did not follow the directions on the job posting. You could not just send them your Resume, you had to write the essay on why you would be a good fit then attach your Resume. She told me to set up reference appointments with each of my references so she could call them. She then added that as long as the references went well, she would do a criminal and credit background check, and be in touch.

My current supervisor told me he just got off the phone with her and she told him that he provided one of the best references she has ever heard. Now we wait. We will see what happens next.

Other than the interview, this week has been usual. Working and the gym. Marquis and I are leaving for Myrtle Beach on Saturday because we have a meeting with a franchise he is considering buying. It will be a short trip though, we are coming back Sunday. 

How have you guys been this week? 

Rave Reviews on Fitness Food And Style

There's a bit going on here at Fitness Food And Style. So much so I want to share everything I have access to. That is why we have created "Rave Reviews" for all my FF&S readers. Interested?

Fitness Food & Style is giving you the chance to become part of our ‘Rave Review team’!

How does fitness, food and style related give aways sound? Ranging from fitness gear, popular kitchen appliances to stylish homewares. Well if you’re excited, we are TOTALLY EXCITED!! All you have to do to participate is subscribe to FF&S and enter your details on our reviews page, and we’ll add you to our ‘Rave Reviews’ list!

The Rave review form will give us the information we need relating to selected trials based on what you’re interested in and where you live. Even if you’re a single gal cooking for one or a yummy mummy cooking for 5, you get the drill!

How does it work?

As soon as you’ve signed up and we start getting our review requests, we will select the 5 most appropriate ‘Rave’ reviewers for each trial (randomly). If you’re selected then we will contact you and have the business send you their product directly. Once you have the product you have a week to play with it, use it, wash it, eat it….whatever!! Then you must come back to our review page and leave your review/comments. There is however a criteria. We will give you 3 points to cover, based on the company's request and each point must be reviewed by at least 2 sentences or more. All up we expect the process to take 4-5 weeks from beginning to end.

Here’s the catch...if you don’t come back and we have to chase you forever….. then you don’t get anymore freebies and lets face it we all LOVE freebies! So make sure, if you are lucky enough to be selected you do the ‘right thing’ and leave your review according to the timeframe.

So please click here and fill out your details with your preferred products to trial and keep, and submit your expression of interest TODAY!

Happy Thursday.

Much love and friendship,
xx Dani

The Hump Day Blog Hop! (2)

Hey guys! I am so excited you have come over. We are halfway through the week and the hump day camel is too freaking cool, so I decided to start a weekly blog hop to celebrate.

It has been a busy week over in my world. I am still working (for now) and applying for jobs until my fingers fall off every night. I decided to take it a step further as well, and I have been researching and emailing companies just to get my name out there and ask to keep my Resume on file. It can't hurt, right?

Anyways, this is a little different than a link up. To participate, simply add your blog link. There is no required entry or anything like that. This is about networking, making new friends, and finding new blogs.

All I ask:
1) "The Hump Day" blog hop button button be displayed anywhere on your blog page or a specific entry with a link back to me or the weekly co-host.
2) You don't have to follow me, but in the words of Blake Shelton: it'd sure be cool if ya did.
3) But please follow the co-host. I love helping and promoting these amazing women in the blog world!
4) Mingle with your fellow Bloggers. 
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The Hump Day Blog Hop

Please help me welcome this weeks co-host, Hilary @ Young Texan Mama!

Young Texan Mama
She is young, she is Texan, and she is a Mama. You would have never guessed, would you? It sounds like the perfect blog to check out to me! Also, she taught herself how to sew when she was only 14 and has never broken a bone. Make sure you go over to her little space on the internet, say hi, and follow along. She is a great friend.

Workout Wednesday

Can I just tell you how sore I am? Muscle awareness BIG time. This Freelectics Aphrodite workout is totally cool. I am really enjoying it. So happy for those that have joined me, it's so cool having access to all your times and being able to connect with all the Free Athletes out in the world wide web.

For those that want to grab their free Aphrodite guide please register with Freeletics. Make sure you keep tagging your pictures to #ffs_fitness for our challenge this week.

Yoga tree pose wearing Electric Yoga top from Stylerunner and Onzie leggings

Today is a day of rest. So I got into my yoga gear (don't forget to include your ffs_friends 10% discount code when shopping with Onzie) and attempted a tree pose. I purposely do it over our pool to concentrate on my balance and to challenge me. I especially enjoy the look out as I try to get a little "me time" during the school holidays in Australia. 

I also announced our $100 Stylerunner gift box on Instagram today. So a huge congratulations to Robyn Sharpe for all your pictures and for participating in our #ffs_style challenge last week. Your gift pack will be coming your way and I look forward to seeing more of your pics in your Stylerunner gear!!!

Did you manage a work out or is it a rest day for you as well today?

Happy Wednesday! 


Weight loss story on Transformation Tuesday with Levent Oeztuerk

Who tried our Freeletics workout yesterday? Did you love it? Well this Freeletics bizo is getting me super excited. Especially when I see transformations like this. Let me introduce you to Levent, he has struggled with obesity his entire life and got himself to a point where he was fit but still struggling to maintain his weight. Now he has found Freeletics and has a strong and fit physique and never turning back.

Levent's 15 week Freeletics transformation

How old are you and please can you share your health and fitness journey to date? 
25. I've been overweight all my life. Started Freeletics and lost a lot of weight and gained a good amount of muscle. I'm feeling better than ever! 

What types of foods did you used to eat as a kid and young adult? What's changed since then?
 Fast Food. A lot of greasy food with lots of carbs. 

Do you play any sports or what sports do you like watching? I love football. Used to play when I was a little kid. Now I'm doing Freeletics.
 What are your interests, passion and what makes you smile? Spending time with my new found freinds through Freeletics. Love their company. 

What was the catalyst that sparked your lifestyle change? I was sick of feeling unhealthy and seeing how I looked in the mirror. 

What are some of your dreams/goals you hope to achieve over the next 12 months? I want to get even better workout times. Build more muscle. 

What tips would you like to share with my readers about your transformation? Nothing good in life comes easy. Stick to a healthy diet and work out as often as possible. Just keep to it. Everybody who keeps pushing will have great results. No exeptions. Also, try Freeletics! See my 15 week transformation below.

Thank you so much Levent for sharing your new fit and healthy lifestyle with us and your YouTube video is totally inspiring. I can't wait to join the Freeletics team and show my before and after 15 week transformation video like you!!! Bring it on!!!

Stay fit and healthy!

Weekend Shannies: Good food, good shopping, and the best mom!

It has been the best weekend. I am heartbroken it is coming to an end. But I feel refreshed and ready to take on the week. As all of my Blogger friends and readers know, I have some big life changes coming up. Mama has been staying with us since Thursday night and we have a had a great time.
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Friday, it was a busy day at work. I worked out during my lunch so I could go home and get ready for a mother/daughter date. Mama and I went to our favorite spot; "The Melting Pot" for fondue!

"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels... unless it is fondue!"

After, we had a little bubbly.

Can I interest you in a bottle?

Saturday, we were early risers. We had shopping on our minds. We fueled up on Ihop and hit some of our favorite and regular spots that we love to go to when Mama comes to Charlotte to stay.

I found most of my shopping goodies at my favorite place in the whole world; "Ulta". My big find: Urban Decay's Vice 2.

Okay, so I have a story: I was reading Tara's blog (Fabulous But Evil) and I saw her review on Urban Decay's Vice 2. I knew I HAD to have it. I had my heart set. So when Mama and I were out running errands, I ran into Ulta like a crack head to find the Vice 2. Well, I could not find it. I finally asked a vendor, who grabbed a manager. The manager told me she had a sample I could look at, but they cannot start selling the palette until the 26th. As crazy as this sounds, I had tears in my eyes. I was SO disappointed. I know that sounds so crazy, but I love makeup. So then the manager says she can tell I really want it, so she went into the stock room and pulled one for me! I was SO thankful!

I also found really fun nail colors. I love China Glaze!

The rest of Saturday was pretty uneventful. I hit the gym after shopping all day and it was hard. Mom's MS started acting up and she felt bad so we stayed in and enjoyed watching Ghost shows on the Bio channel. 

Today. Sigh... today looks fun, but I have to tell you guys, it wasn't... at first. I slept horrible last night. I had really bad nightmares. The nightmares effected me so bad that I felt sick to my stomach. I will not go into detail, but one of the dreams was that Marty was killed. I was up and down all night. Marquis and I finally woke up at 7:30. We went and got breakfast then went up to Concord to the Charlotte Motor Speedway for a car show. It was a blast, but we walked in the blazing sun for hours. My body was aching by the time we left. 

I was in such a rotten mood after. I slept horrible, the nightmares were still weighing on me, and my body was aching. Marquis and I argued over the air we were breathing. You would think he and I were brother and sister, not an engaged couple as much as we were arguing. It as PMS on steroids. We managed to get groceries without killing each other, then I took a nap. 

When I woke up, I felt better, but I wanted to drink. I haven't had a drink in like two weeks so I wanted a Margarita. And what goes good with a blackberry Margarita? Mexican food!

After we had a delicious dinner, Mama wanted to go to Target one last time since she is leaving tomorrow morning. Mama lives in my hometown, a tiny farm town in northern NC. The nearest Target is over an hour away so she does not get to go often. Me? I have 2 Target's within a 5 mile radius.

Anyways, she was able to get some goodies for herself, I bought a Batman watch for Marquis for being such a bitch today, and I got myself a planner - that includes meals, fitness, and expense planning! It was only $20, too! Take that Erin Condren! Ha. Kidding. I also found some fun Sharpies. It just felt appropriate to get Sharpies with a new planner. 

So, the main reason I bought this? My new Weight Watcher's membership. I bought a three month membership. I am not a Weight Watcher's affiliate or anything like that, but Weight Watcher's works. It really, honestly, truly does. I did it a few years and I loved it. I have been on a stand still with my weight. I managed to get off the weight from my miscarriage and emergency surgery from earlier this year, but I need a kick. So I am doing the online program. Aside from wanting to switch things up, I have a lot of chaos going on with life right now. I am leaving my job in a few weeks, applying for new jobs, interviewing (I have one this Wednesday, please a say a prayer), and on top of all of that, Marquis is still starting new businesses. We are literally all over the place. I am working and interviewing this week, and this weekend Marquis and I are driving down to Myrtle Beach for a franchise meeting. Life is nonstop so Weight Watcher's will help me stay on track so I do not fall apart during these next transitions in our lives I don't know about you guys, but when I am so busy and scattered brained, the first aspect of my life to suffer is healthy eating.

Let's make it a great week. I can't wait to read what all you guys have been up to this weekend. Don't forget to join me for "The Hump Day" blog hop on Wednesday! Our first week was a success, so lets make this week even better!

Life is all about change

I am trying to gather my thoughts and put myself together right now. Writing helps. This week has been one of the most emotionally draining weeks I have ever had. As we have always heard "it is darkest before dawn". And now is when I have to believe it.

This week started off with a text message from my step mother at 7:30 on Monday morning. My dad had two seizures Sunday night. My dad has been battling incurable cancer for exactly 2 years now. Though it is incurable, he is receiving the best treatment from Duke. He can lead a semi-normal life. There are a lot of ups and downs, but over the past 6-8 months, the disease has been very doormat and under control. I don't know how much longer than it is going to last though. Having a father with incurable cancer and a mother with the incurable disease MS, is very heartbreaking. I do not speak about it, write about it, or complain about it to anyone because it is something no one can change. Sometimes I like to pretend it does not exist. It's not denial, but an escape. Anyways, my dad is back home now and taking a lot of medication. He had some swelling in his head from his brain tumors. He will go back to Duke for more radiation once the swelling goes down. I spoke to him earlier and thankfully he sounds in good spirit. My dad is a fighter, I know that much. He refuses to let cancer get the best of him. I love you, Dad.

Wednesday, I must have eaten something bad. Wednesday evening I was SO sick. I am still reeling from the effects. Not to be gross, but I have never thrown up so much in my life. On my way home, I had to pull over twice so I could "get it out me", I only live 10 minutes from work too. It passed within a few hours, but it was unbearable. I still feel weak from it. 

On top of the issues with my father, I am resigning from my job in a couple of weeks. The meeting came to a head yesterday. This is heartbreaking but happy at the same time. Horrible and great. I do not know how it is all of those things at one time, but it is. I am very lucky because I have my mother and a wonderful fiance standing behind of me through all of this. I have written about my job before  and the downhill turn things have taken for the past year, and now the company has hit the bottom. It is sad because you always want to root for a small, start up company, but with every risk there comes either a reward or penalty. You do not always win. We are a very small company, over the past two and a half years we have been more family than co-workers, that is the hardest part about it all. Thankfully, I will be able to collect unemployment, and I will be right back in the job market looking for something new. Marquis is in the works of a new business I could run, but I don't know if I want to do that. I do not know what is next, but I am going to look at all different kinds of ventures. I may not be on Blogger as much as I am applying and interviewing, but I will still be here.

So in true Friday fashion, I am going to write 5 great things about my week. No matter how hard life gets, we can always see the good in things, right?

1) My Hump Day b l o g h o p 
Ladies, you all amaze me. You guys helped me spread the word and we had nearly 80 link up's our first time. Plus over 1,500 views. My co-host gained 12 new readers and I loved hearing about you guys finding new friends and blogs. To me, this is what Blogging is all about - making new friends, networking, and coming together as a community. Sometimes I like writing on my blog and telling you guys about my life, more than I do to people in real life. So thank you for helping me make Wednesday a success. I look forward to doing this every week and promoting my next co-hosts.

2) I p s y and M a r y K a y
I came home on Monday to my first Ipsy bag, Mary Kay foundation and "Makeup Stay Spray". I have not use much from my Ipsy bag yet, but I did try the red Cailyn lip stain. Holy crap I love it! I always love receiving new mascara so I cannot wait to try it out. I will die with my Mary Kay foundation so I was happy to receive that and I am excited to try the new makeup stay spray. I have read about Urban Decay's stay spray but since I love my Mary Kay girl, I thought I would try theirs first. I hope it works!
3) P o l a r FT4
My new Polar arrived Tuesday! I am so happy to finally have this for the gym. It is more than just a heart rate monitor, it is a challenge. I am excited to keep up with how many calories I burn and what zone I am training it. I want to push myself to burn more calories and beat yesterday's goal. Another great thing - I only paid $60 for it, plus free shipping. Ladies, do not pay $90-120 for this, pay $60 like I did. You can purchase it here.
4) My mama is in town. There is nothing better than having your mom come see you after a very hard week. We are having a blast. I love my mom way too much. I am 24 years old and I still get like a baby around her. And in my true mother's fashion (you guys know how she is on Facebook) here is what she has said:

Brantley is my brother's son, her one year old grandson. I think I may break it to her that she is famous on my blog, ha ha!

5) I needed some fun in my life last night. Mom, Marquis, and I all went to the White Water Center for drinks and live music, and took the pups with us for extra added fun. It was a great time and much needed.

Mama, Marquis, and a couple of the pups @ Whitewater Center
Now I am ready for the weekend, I hope you guys have a great one!

Feel Good Friday with a Stylerunner $100 gift pack

Day 5. Workout 
#ffs_style challenge

Another Friday. Bring on the weekend, I say!

Here's another chance for you to get your hands on a little something nice from Stylerunner. How's a $100 gift pack sound?

Win a $100 Stylerunner gift pack

For those that are new to my monthly challenges, all you need to do is;

1). Subscribe to my blog
2). Like my Facebook page and invite your friends to join in
3). Leave me a comment below (less than 25 words) why do you love to workout?

You can also hashtag #ffs_style and post your workout picture anywhere in social media land and if you don't have any, send it to me dani@fitnessfoodandstyle.com.au.  A random winner will be notified by email Monday 23rd September 2013. Open worldwide.

I can't wait to see your workout pics!!! So get snapping!

Friday Fitness

Here's a little ab core workout to keep you moving today from my beautiful friends over at Get Above The Bar.

Core challenge workout

For more information go check out Get Above The Bar and their awesome pages on Facebook TwitterInstagram and YouTube. A young group of college kids making a difference in the world of fitness and changing the way the world views health.

Have a beautiful weekend,

I Am My Hair

I just wanna be myself
And I want you to love me for who I am.
I just wanna be myself
And I want you to know, I am my hair.
I've had enough, this is my prayer
That I'll die livin' just as free as my hair
I've had enough, this is my prayer
That I'll die livin' just as free as my hair
I've had enough, I'm not a freak
I just keep fightin' to stay cool on the streets
I've had enough, enough, enough
And this is my prayer, I swear
I'm as free as my hair
I'm a free as my hair
I am my hair

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Hair and makeup are two of the funnest things about being a girl. I love being able to create all kinds of different looks and styles. I have had every color of hair in the book. I have not seen my natural hair color since I was 13 years old. It is of course imperative that I take extra special care of my hair with all of the chemicals I put it through, but I just have so much fun changing it up. Marquis even made the comment once that being with me is kind of like being with a different girl every night, ha! But it is just my thing. 

Initially when I first started blogging, I was nervous about naming this blog "Fitness Blondie" because I do change my hair so much. But I have found, nothing compares to good ole' blonde. Unless it's RED. 

Unfortunately red fades way too quickly, and if my hair is going to be red, I want it RED. Slut red.

Do you like to switch up your hair?