Getting to Know.............

The 2nd getting to know of 2013 is...........................................................................Kylie McGrath.

Kylie has been involved in the fitness industry for a long time and has had extraordinary results in this time. She has been a figure division competitor, she has ran marathons and she is also a tough mudder. Not only has she achieved the fore metioned she is a great support person, Kylie is far past the fundamental stage but she will still come and participate in the beginners fundamental class to support friends. This is pretty assume and shows the quality of person she is. Here is getting to know Kylie McGrath....

How did you discover Hybrid?  Through Irene Shinn. Anna Campbell, Irene and I run together every Friday afternoon & she always raved about how good it was. After 20 years at South Gym I was reluctant to change but turned up for a crossfit class to try as I was bored with classes at South. I never went back to South Gym again.

What were your thoughts after your first class at Hybrid?
I was hooked. I felt re-energised and excited about working out again, but I was also very, very stuffed.

Favourite Hybrid Class?
Teamfit, Guerilla Fit, TRX, Crossfit - Love em all. There is always an element of surprise at every class.
Favourite Hybrid exercise?
Wall Ball - Always feel it for days after.

Exercise your not so fond of?
Anything to do with the core; planks, stir the pot in TRX. I got split stomach muscles with pregnancy and struggle with core strength now.

What changes in your health, physique and performance have you observed since starting at Hybrid?
I have become much more stronger, both mentally and physically. I can do things now I never imagined I could do like climbing ropes & hand stand push-ups.

Tell us something no one knows about you or people would be surprised to know about you?
I have had a 10 year off & on battle with depression. Exercise and in particular long distance running has been my saving grace.
In 1999 I competed in ANBB Natural Bodybuilding - Figure Division. I took out Sydney overall figure champion in my first comp & took out 3rd place at the Australian titles a month later.

What is your favourite music to workout too?
Anything from Ministry of Sound

Which Hybrid member inspires you most and why? 
I have two, both for the same reason - Jen and Lee. They are both smiling all the time giving encouragement and always asking you how you are no matter how their day has been, sometimes that's all i need to brighten my day.
Proudest accomplishment thus far at Hybrid? 
Doing 5 assisted handstand push-ups with Jen's encouragement then heading home and doing 5 un-assisted handstand push-ups at home.

What are your goals for 2012?
To continue getting stronger both mentally and physically, to learn how to swim properly, learn to surf and get a diving ticket. I have a fear of drowning so I plan on fighting my fear this year head on.

One word to describe you?

One word to describe Hybrid?

Share some of your favourite motivational quotes:
" As we drive along this road called life ocassionally a gal eill find herself a little lost. And when that happens I guess she has to let go of the coulda, woulda, shoulda, buckle up and just keep going"  Carrie Bradshaw (Sex and the City)

Favourite Food?
Sushi, especially sashimi

Describe your sporting background or any sporting fitness accomplishments to date:
Competed in natural bodybuilding in 1999 - placing 3rd in Australia
Ran my first marathon in 2011 and then again in 2012 at the Gold Coast Marathon. I am having a year off this year but plan on doing it again next year and getting a sub 4hr time.

When looking back on 2013 your highlight major accomplishment for the year will be? 
Accomplishing my goals (see above) & building a home in Grafton and staying married in the process!.......... Oh Yeah - and be able to do 1 unassisted pull up!! They are so hard.

Thanks Kylie for your insights, your getting to know answers are sure to get people motivated for change or to accomplish greater things. Kylie is another prime example of being inspired by those in our own community.